Pictures Should Tell a Story

senior pictures; boy; cap and gown

Senior pictures tell a story. The seniors I meet each have a story to tell through their photos.

We started in Downtown Arlington with Jordan’s cap and gown. I love to use the white doors and the brick walls for the dressier photos. It allows the photos to have a clean background. And the reflection you often get in the windows is the best.

Jordan will be attending college this fall at Hardin Simmons. So a college reveal photo was a must. The fountain is a great spot to sit and capture photos.

We drove down the road a few blocks and stopped at First Baptist. Jordan works in the youth department so this was an important location for him.

Jordan is an Eagle Scout and his project was located at the edge of the youth center and UTA campus. His project was to provide trash cans to keep the area clean around the volleyball courts. So he built wood framed garbage bin enclosures. This keeps the cans from blowing over and from blowing away. I love to hear about the Eagle Scout projects. It is a lot of work and many hours of service.

After we left downtown, we headed to Veteran’s Park where he put his Eagle Scout Uniform on. We used the park and trees to show the love of the outdoors Jordan has.

Getting to know the families of my seniors, is one of my favorite parts of capturing moments. Make sure you tell your story in your Senior photos


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